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What is Lead?

Update time:2019-05-30

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What is Lead?

Lead is a metal chemical element with the symbol Pb, atomic number 82 and atomic weight 207.2. ‌

Lead is a corrosion-resistant heavy non ferrous metal material with the advantages of low melting point, high corrosion resistance, 

poor penetration by X-rays and gamma rays, and good plasticity. ‌

The physical properties of lead:

Color: a silvery-white metal with a slight bluish tint, but it is easily oxidized in the air to form gray-black lead oxide.

‌Density‌: 11.3437 g/cm³.

‌Melting point‌: 327.46℃ (or 327.502℃).

‌Boiling point‌: 1740℃.

‌Hardness‌: 2~3.

The chemical properties of lead are stable and insoluble in water.

Lead is easily oxidized in the air to form gray-black lead oxide.

The application fields of lead are very wide, mainly including:

‌Battery‌: Lead-acid battery is one of the main applications of lead.

‌Cable sheath‌: used for cable protection and insulation.

‌Machinery manufacturing‌: lead and its alloys have important applications in machinery manufacturing.

‌Shipbuilding‌: lead is used in the manufacture of certain parts of ships.

Ray protection‌: used for protection against X-rays and gamma rays.

In addition, lead is also a toxic substance that has certain hazards to human health,

so safety and environmental protection measures need to be paid attention to in the application.

TEK LEAD is a professional designer and supplier of radiation protection equipment. 

Mainly including two series: industrial radiation protection and medical radiation protection. 

The industrial lead shielding products include: 

lead doors, lead rooms, lead bricks, lead boxes, protective lead powder boards, protective screens, radioactive source storage tanks, etc. 

Medical protection including: 

lead plates, lead glass, lead door, lead clothing, personal protective clothing and gloves, lead glasses, and overall protection projects for hospitals and industries.

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